I’m not dead…

Sorry gang.  (Assuming the four people still checking in here constitute a ‘gang.’) I went out of town over the weekend, and actually left earlier than I thought on short notice.  I’m back now and still catching up, but things are resuming.

 Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    No worries, man. It’s not like you’re to be here at our beck and call, right?
    My weekend was nice. Went home to see the family, including the new nephew, and mostly just sat by the lake relaxing and catching up.
    How was yours?

  • Pretty good, until I returned yesterday and headed down to Wrigley Field to see another horrifying Cubs fiasco.

    Rev, will we be seeing you in Dallas next week?

  • Mr. Blue

    Well, my computer up and died for a bit, so no worries.

  • I think it’s more of a Cult of Jabootu than a gang, actually.

  • Jimmy

    Your continued living makes me happy. Keep it up. And that makes four…

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Gangs aren’t dependant on numbers. Haven’t you ever heard of the One Man Gang? (I’ll bet the Foywonder has…)

    Considering the religious-type names we get on the board, cult might be better than gang. :)

    Anyway. Yes, Mr. Begg, plans are still set to come on over. It’s not even twenty minutes from my place by highway!
    Whether or not anyone knows it, though, is another matter. I’m often surprisingly shy in person around unfamiliar people. Especially if they’re famous (Mr. Petersen) or semi-famous/infamous (you). I’ll try to get over it and say hi at least.
    Speaking of semi-famous/infamous…we saw that “Johnny Fairplay” guy from Survivor at the airport Monday. As always, it was weird to see someone in person that you’ve seen on TV. I know that has nothing to do with anything, but there ya go. It’s in your brain cells now. Ha ha!

    OK I’m done rambling now.