Everybody’s talking at me, but I don’t hear a word they’re saying…

…because our comments feature has been disabled. Long suffering Chris–thank Jabootu!–has managed to restore all the content to the site, but has to fix the issue that caused it to disappear in the first place, which involves the comments and spam and stuff. He thinks they will be back up in a matter of days, but until then, better safe than sorry.

It’s a poor substitute, but the old message board (www.jabootu.com/forum) is still working, so feel free to post anything you want over there until we’re back up and running.

Thanks, everyone!

  • Anonymous

    Comments are once again safe to use. Remember kids, don’t let spammers give you candy this Halloween!

  • Mr. Rational

    Yay for comments working again!  Now I can finally say things!

    If only I had something to say…

  • Don’t worry, Mr. R, I’ve been faking it for years.