A follow-up to yesterday’s tragic deletion incident…

“You got some nice comments here.”
“Yeah. It’d be a shame if something were to happen to them.”
“You see, my brother gets a bit clumsy if no one hits his tip jar for a while…”*

[*OK, the joke–such as it was–was supposed to be that I don’t have a tip jar. And explaining a joke always ruins it. However, I realized there’s still an–I think–inactive tip jar button on the old site. I don’t imagine it works anymore, but don’t anyone bother trying it, because I no longer solicit tips or anything of that sort.]

  • John Campbell

    This is obviously an attempt to distract us from your attempts to sensor out any comment that doesn’t pander to your tea party leanings!

    (I am SO totally honestly undeniably kidding!)

    From now on we’ll just say: “ehh ken happens”

  • The Rev.

    I like how Ken tries to make up for his total and utter punching of the shark with Monty Python references.

    Not that it isn’t completely uneffective, mind you…