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  • The Rev.

    This is completely unrelated, but I don’t know if everyone’s aware of this…

    Thanks to the upcoming Captain America movie, Siffy is playing the two late ’70s Reb Brown CA movies, as well as Albert Pyun’s infamous flick. They’re playing all of them on Thursday evening, and again on Friday afternoon. Both days, the lead-up will be episodes of “The Greatest American Hero.” Having up to this point had no chance to see any of these, I’m glad I happened to stumble on this info!

  • Marsden

    Thanks, rev, I liked the Reb Brown movies. The other one was really bad, actually they were all bad, but I liked the Reb Brown ones anyway.

  • Reed

    Reb Brown… Wow, I haven’t watched those since they were actually on TV. They were some of my earliest superhero disappointments. Reb was just way to affable to be the Cap that I wanted him to be. Oddly, though, the tone of them fit well with a then contemporary run of Captain American comics where he basically drove around the US trying to re-discover America in the 70’s.

    Damn it. Now I have to watch these again.

  • Reed

    There are rumors of a lost Albert Puyn helmed Captain America 2 where he plays an environmental activist who takes on an eeeevil acquarium secretly funded by Baron Strucker and Hydra. In it he punches an eeevil Nazi shark.

  • Thanks for that post, Ken. That’s pretty much how I remember those soldier toy games when I was a kid -except for the doll part). Don’t forget the cowboys and Indians and the medieval knights, too. Either from Macy’s toy department or from the comic book ads. So loooong ago…

  • I remember playing soldiers in my backyard as a kid. We had to be careful though of all the ‘landmines’ the dog had left.

  • Ericb

    We used to play World War 2 with each kid representing one of the belligerents. I was always a bit sluggish when it came to calling out which counry I would represent and usually ended up being stuck with being the Russians.

  • Rock Baker

    During my childhood, I saw many commercials for the 3 3/4 inch G.I. Joe figures. The kids in those commercials always had really cool back yards filled with trenches and streams, and they had things like collapsable guard towers mounted on a springboard so the one kid could slam his fist down and the tower would fly up and all to pieces and we could hear an explosion. I never had any of that stuff. My yard was just a big flat field for my Joes to fight on.

    Speaking of toys, dig this, gang! My brother brought back a present for me from G Fest, a 12 inch Horror of Party Beach action figure! It even has a zipper and flash-colored ankles that occasionally show! Only weird thing is they gave the monster teeth (like in the comic book) rather than his trademark hot dogs (I imagine the teeth were easier to mold, but still, that’s an odd move)!

  • John Campbell

    My GI Joe’s were 11 inches tall, had a kung fu grip and a hair cut that looked like a burnt tennis ball!

    I remeber when I got the deep sea set. The bronze helmet and the ruybber octopus…cobra commander can go punch a shark!

  • John Campbell

    Oh and Rock is one lucky SOB!!

  • He is. I’ve seen those Horror of Party Beach figures, and they are incredible. They’re put out by a terrific company called Amok Time.