Oh, Jabootu, thou are beautiful and terrible in the exercise of thy malign, inexplicable powers…

  • Toby Clark

    In fairness, remaking a bad movie whose premise had at least some potential is probably a better move than remaking a good movie, given that any writer or director who saw the original will know how not to make it.

    That said, if Nicolas Cage ends up cast I think I can kiss that bit of hope goodbye.


  • Elizabeth


    Toby is absolutely right, of course; most people will be like “The what, now?” and those who saw it won’t be remembering it for its brilliance.

    I mean, except you, Ken.

  • monoceros4

    I remember The Swarm very well for its brilliance. I doubt whether I’ve seen that much ineptitude in one big-budget movie. Every single scene in The Swarm has something wrong with it. There’s not one shot in the movie that doesn’t have some sort of horrible mistake in it.

    As a result, I doubt whether this remake will be anything like as entertaining. It’ll be bad, no doubt, but also it’ll be tediously self-aware and nudging you in the ribs the entire time.

  • Ericb

    The tragic story of the late 70s killer bee invasion needs to be told. I think enough time has passed for the nation to handle it.

  • BeckoningChasm

    As a result, I doubt whether this remake will be anything like as entertaining. It’ll be bad, no doubt, but also it’ll be tediously self-aware and nudging you in the ribs the entire time.


    Also, the idea of this movie gives me hives.

  • Tork_110

    Think Michael Bay handling the scene where Houston is on fire.

  • BeckoningChasm

    “Houston on fire. Will history blame me, or Michael Bay?”

  • AThe article says, “it still has a fervent following among genre enthusiasts thanks to its impressive cast”. Yeah, THAT’S why it’s remembered.

  • Well, to be fair, The Swarm probably has the greatest collection of Oscar winners of any high caliber turkey this side of, well, The Oscar.

  • Marsden

    CGI bees look almost like pixies! Was that a Killer Bee or Tinkerbelle attacking me?

    Actually, this could be good, they made a few ok movies already.