B-Fest 2011: The word is given…

It’s official: January 28-29, 2011.  You read it here first, bitches.

  • Elizabeth


  • Sorry…bee-otches!

  • The Rev.

    Language? Ehh, fuck that goddamn shit.



    I hope dearly that I can make it up there this year, but I imagine once again that won’t happen unless I finally convince people to roadtrip instead of fly.

    I figure 2012 will be my best chance, as I will be out of school by then and have more money. Also my last chance, before the world blows up or whatever.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Can we buy tickets now!!!!

    Not that I can probably go, but you never know…

  • Mr. Rational

    Awesome! Me and my friends may have to sit with the Jabootu contingent this time ’round.