I’m back…

Actually, I was back yesterday. But following my week of constant contact with my fellow humans–enjoyable, but exhausting–I just wanted to veg out, so I more or less stayed off the computer.

Work is about to start, but I’ll pop back on later. Given this, I’ll probably hold off on restarting Monster of the Day until Monday. Past that, I hope everyone had a good time while I was gone. More later.

  • Rock Baker

    Welcome back, Ken, the place just wasn’t the same without you!

    [For future Monster of the Day posts, I’d like to cast votes for days devoted to Mull from Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster (hey, you could get three or four monsters out of that one flick!), The Astounding She Monster, and Eegah (if he meets the standard of being a ‘monster’, that is).]

  • I appreciate the sentiment, Rock, but given how much I post these days, I fear the place was EXACTLY the same without me.

    However, I’ll have my roundtable piece up by the end of the month, barring as usual the complete implosion of my increasingly cranky computer.

  • Kirk

    Welcome back! It was good to see you again. We’ll have to hit the range again next time you are in town.

  • BeckoningChasm

    I hesitate to ask, but what ever happened to the second Gor movie?

  • Mr. Rational

    “I hesitate to ask, but what ever happened to the second Gor movie?”

    Well, it moved to New York and tried to fulfill that Broadway dream. It was tough sledding at first, but one day the Gor movie was working in the chorus when the big star twisted her ankle. And you all know what happened after that. (Or maybe not. I don’t. But I’m sure it involved enslaving the big star.)

    Thanks for a great T-Fest, Ken and Sandy and friends! Now, the only problem: I can’t wait till B-Fest. Sigh…

  • Stefan Reich

    Sir, I just need to tell you, that your old review of The Uninvited is perhaps the most brilliantly hilarious thing I have ever read. I only hope I can find a copy of that film, since its been so long since I saw it. God, it was horrible, perhaps one of the worst movies ever. But your review is right on, and it made my day, enough so I had to try and find you, to thank you. Well done sir, well done.

  • Just to expose Ken’s depraved tastes – during the days he stayed at my place after T-Fest, some of the movies he watched were as follows:

    RAMPAGE (Turkish Rambo)
    THE WARRIOR (Indonesian anti-Dutch action flick. So goofy that it will probably be at Tween Fest)
    SPEARHEAD FROM SPACE (Jon Pertwee’s first outing as The Doctor)
    one of my Krimis (not sure which one)

    among other things.

    The biggest hit was the Eye-talian zombie flick BURIAL GROUND, which Ken REALLY liked. He especially responded to the scenes featuring Peter Bark (aka Pietro Barcella), whom he proclaimed his new “favorite all time star”. No doubt Ken will be posting lots of images of Peter on the website soon, judging from his prayerful attitude while watching this famous work d’art.

  • Rock Baker

    Unknown World? The tunnel-into-the-earth-to-avoid-eventual-atomic-war movie?

    For kicks?

    That’s a strange one alright….

  • Stefan: Thanks for the kind words! The Uninvited is available on DVD; in fact, I think it’s available on two of them. Look for the one that has Mutant as a double feature.

  • Elizabeth

    Hey Ken,

    Can you give some MOTD love to Katahdin from Prophecy?


  • Toby C

    I think I’ve posted this link before, but since you still haven’t got around to Razorback…


  • The Rev.

    You guys watched Rampage?!?

    Is it as insane as the trailer leads me to believe?

    Man, maybe I shoulda invited myself over after all…

  • Rock Baker

    Wait, has Mull already been Monster of the Day?

    The Uninvited and Mutant on the same disk? Mutant, with Bo Hopkins, that Mutant? Something wrong here, since Mutant was a pretty good little flick for what it was. I read the review of The Uninvited, those two flicks don’t belong on the same block, let alone the same bill! I suppose they included Mutant as the antidote to The Uninvited.