Next MS3TK set out next week!

The Lost Continent
Beast of Yucca Flats (yay!)
Crash of the Moons
Jack Frost

  • TongoRad

    Two words:
    Rock climbing!

  • Ericb

    Actually it will be out in 2 weeks, on the 13th.

  • LoganGarrett

    I can’t wait!!

    Lost Continent is one of my favorite episodes. Now if they’d just release King Dinosaur and Rocketship X-M.

  • Ericb: As in all things, I prefer to take a holistic approach to dates. Or, as we Freedom School graduates like to call it, we work from the Yoga Calendar.

    Now, if you’ll excuse me…Ommmm!

  • Rock Baker

    Only episode I haven’t seen there is Beast of Yucca Flats. Should be hysterical. I remember screening Beast of Yucca Flats for a friend once, (after we’d both so much enjoyed “Manos” The Hands of Fate, Inframan, and Monsters Crash the Pajama Party together, I was looking forward to staging another show for him) and I really haven’t seen him since. That must’ve been close to 10 years ago. Coleman Francis claimed another victim, and broke another will. I should’ve stayed with the light stuff.

  • TongoRad

    ‘Yucca Flats’ has two good shorts as well- the Ben Franklin one and the travel promotion for Puerto Rico. So, yeah, it’s the best episode in this set.

    ‘Crash of the Moons’ has an old General Hospital. I’m not so sure about the others (and you’d think I’d just click on that Amazon link to find out before posting, but no, once I start typing I stay focused…)

  • BeckoningChasm

    I saw one of the other MS3KT “Rocky Jones” shows last night. While the commentary and segments were funny, the film itself was so utterly deadly boring that it kind of killed my interest in seeing more of them (I can’t even remember the title, “Space Kidnappers” or something like that).

    Netflix were offering the Tor a couple of weeks ago, I didn’t even notice when I added it that it wouldn’t be released for a while.

  • Rock Baker

    I think the other Rocky Jones movie they did was Manhunt in Space. The two best Jones films that I’ve seen were Beyond the Moon and Menace from Outer Space. While I’ll admit that Rocky Jones was no Space Patrol, it was the only show of that kind to be produced in Hollywood by vet film crews and featured above average special effects. (And it may be the ONLY such show where the comic book adaptation was true to the source material.) Rocky Jones can be an aquired taste, but I’ve always been a fan of Richard Crane and have to admit enjoying the films (and until someone actually releases the series itself, the films are all we have).

  • The Rev. D.D.

    I’ve only seen Jack Frost; it’s a Russo-Finnish production they did in the Sci-Fi years. Like the R-F movies they did in the early years, it’s pretty great. Those movies are just a riot.

    I have wanted to see The Lost Continent episode for quite a while, and I’m sure the other two are dandy as well. I wish I could afford these more often; so far I only have XVI (the one with the Servo figure).

  • TongoRad

    Actually, this set provides a nice contrast in approaches if one is making a movie and there is not enough material for a decent running length. ‘The Lost Continent’ was padded out with all of that rock climbing footage whereas ‘The Beast of Yucca Flats’ didn’t (and that’s why there are two shorts on that ep.) In this respect I’d have to say that Coleman Francis was more merciful to his audience :)

  • BeckoningChasm

    My main problem with Rocky Jones is that every single character is stupid. I lost count of how many times Rocky got knocked unconscious because, WHILE HE HAD A GUN and the bad guys didn’t, they still engaged in fisticuffs. I know, it was a kid show, so heaven forfend anyone gets shot or killed. It just made it all so damned repetitious. I’ve seen (and reviewed) the (un-MST’d) Crash of Moons and Menace from Outer Space, and they’re pretty much the same. Decent, but nothing to jump up and down about. And yes, I know these were half-hour shows stitched together into features, so there’s a lot of repetition and padding and irksome characters (one of the funniest bits last night was Mike Nelson calling in as “Winky”) but that still doesn’t make it entertaining in my book.

    I know, I’m an old poopy-suit who can’t appreciate the arts, historical value, 1950’s Hollywood constraints, animated breakfast food mascots, blah blah blah. I really wanted an explosion that would kill the entire cast. Ten minutes in.

    Um, what was the topic again? “I’m sorry everybody” /Lin Ye Tang

  • Rock Baker

    If we all liked the same thing, there’d be no variety. No good or bad to really speak of, and ultimatley no MST or Jabootu. Personal taste is everything, and I can certainly understand that Rocky Jones isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. The kid in me is not terribly difficult to impress when it comes to stuff like this. As ‘family’ films and cartoons have gotten raunchier over the years, a part of me seems to show instant affection for something that truely is kid-friendly yet shows imagination.

  • BeckoningChasm

    I admit it has a nice sense of innocence to it, and Rocky’s staunch sense of fair-play is appealing, but Bobby (the little kid) and Winky (the pretty openly gay guy–pretty daring for the time) make BC WANT TO SMASH.

    I do agree that much of modern entertainment, even (or especially) that directed at kids, has become rather over-raunchy and down-right crude. Of course, it seems as if ALL of modern culture is simply coalescing into one giant, undifferentiated mass, all designed to appeal to snotty 11-year-olds. The other night I watched the Farrell-Reilly “Step Brothers” and while there were some funny parts, I could not fathom why this film should exist at all.

  • fish eye no miko

    BeckoningChasm said: “Winky (the pretty openly gay guy–pretty daring for the time)”

    You know “gay nightlife” meant something different back then, right? And he was always talking about his success with the ladies. If he was supposed to be gay, it certainly wasn’t “pretty openly”.

  • Gamera

    Wow, Winkys not all that manly but I never pictured him as… um… gay. I’ve thought of them as the straight arrow/goofball buddy picture dynamic kinda like Spock/Kirk, Luke/Han, Apollo/ Starbuck, D’Argo/Critchon or even Jamie Hyneman/Adam Savage.

    I used to love MST3K but I’ve seen most of the episodes about a zillion times. Can’t say I’d buy them but I’ll have to look into renting them for old times sake.

  • Rock Baker

    Poor Winky, the sidekick just gets no respect at all. Granted, Winky is but a pale echo of Space Patrol’s Cadet Happy, another goofy, skirt-chaser seemingly-too-stupid-for-the-job-of-interplanetary-peacekeeper-who-always-came-through-when-things-got-serious. (Actually, now that I think of it, Happy didn’t chase skirt as much as Winky, you just assume he did because he was played by Lyn Osborne and he seemed like something of a player in Invasion of the Saucer Men.)

  • BeckoningChasm

    Winky set my gaydar off so much the meter’s almost broken. Every time he said “Ladies” I think he had to fight hard to keep from doing air-quotes with his fingers.