Monster Bash this weekend!

I’ve never made it out to this, but it’s been running for years. The annual Monster Bash will be held in Butler, PA this Friday through Sunday. Details here.

FoB and pro writer John Soister, the author of many of the finest books on genre movies I’ve ever read, will be in attendance with his co-writers regarding their latest book for the venerable McFarland Press.  The book covers silent horror & sci-fi films, ground that is comparatively untrod (although Mr. Soister’s book Of Gods and Monsters, on the Universal horror films of the ’30s, was simply dynamite despite the fact that many other books have covered the same topic).  I can’t wait to read it.

Aside from many exciting guests, the con will show some great old films, such as House of the Wolf Man (a fabulous-looking patische of the old Universals starring Ron Chaney, the grandson of Lon Chaney, Jr.), Day the Earth Stood Still, Earth vs. the Spider, War of the Worlds, The Thing from Another World, Friend Without a Face and a lot more.

This always looks like a great con.  Maybe next year we could get a jump on this and some of us could meet up there.

  • “FRiend Without A Face”? Poor friend!


  • Rock Baker

    I suppose if I got a chance, MonsterBash would be the show I’d attend. Last show I went to was the Memphis Film Festival back in 01 or 02, or maybe earlier than that. I Remember chatting with Ben Chapman and smoking in the lobby with Karl Hardman and a grand old dame who was one of Our Gang (but sadly, I can’t remember her name or what character she played! But she was full of great stories and I loved every minute of it). Oh, yeah, that was the show David Carradine attended. He’s much cooler on TV.

    My brother will be at Chicago’s Godzilla convention next month, in his flashy new YouTube-approved Godzilla suit. Wish I could be there to see the reaction he gets, but that’s life I suppose.

  • GalaxyJane

    I could go for that, it’s on the correct coast for me and only a few hours from where my parents live.

  • fish eye no miko

    David Lee Ingersoll said: “‘FRiend Without A Face’? Poor friend!”

    Les Yeux San Visage?

  • Petoht

    Is it really much worse than Eyes Without a Face?

  • Gamera

    PA is a great deal closer to me than Chicago or Texas and though I don’t do cons anymore I’d be tempted to hit this one. If you don’t mind could you remind us again next year Ken?

    Rock: could you please post a link to the YouTube clip of your brother’s Godzilla suit? I’d love to see it.

  • I’d be glad too. They usually have the date info for the next year’s con out pretty early.

  • Rock Baker

    Gamera, he has his own YouTube channel (or whatever you call it, I just go there to listen to Donna Loren songs) as AtomicStickFigure. I don’t have a direct video link on hand but I think you can find it by searching his name (Yeah, I just did a search for ‘atomicstickfigure’ and all his videos came up!). There’s like four video showing the making of the suit, as he’s building to a big unveiling. The finished suit will be unveiled near the 4th, and he should have another video up around then. He’s gotten some good response to his videos and I have to say, it looks great in person. (be sure also to check out the suits for Man-Thing and the Resident Evil licker he and Pop built together!)

  • Gamera

    Thanks Ken!

    And thanks Rock- AtomicStickFigure is all I need.

  • Rock Baker

    Oh wow! The papers just got invlolved! A reporter from the city paper is stopping by to do a pictorial on the suit!


  • Rock Baker

    The interview will be tomorrow evening. Not sure how long until the piece is actually in print or posted on the paper’s website, but I’ll be sure to write in the link as soon as its up!