Duct Tape special on Mythbusters tonight…

Tonight Mythbusters follows up their highly entertaining previous duct tape show (they built a boat and cannon out of duct tape, and suspended a car with some, as I recall) with a second, all-new one.  It should be good stuff.

  • Gristle McThornbody

    Damn! Saw this blog entry with 10 minutes left in the show. Oh well, that’s what re-runs are for. I really enjoyed the first duct-tape show, so I look forward to seeing the second.

  • tim

    didn’t they have an episode where they debunked myths about movies, and they tried to talk while skydiving? if I remember that one, they said it was impossible to hear anything while skydiving because of the wind whipping past. if I’m remembering that correctly, a friend of mine just went skydiving and they took video of it, and you can hear them talking to each other clearly and they understand everything.

  • Foywonder

    Ken, surprised you haven’t posted anything yet celebrating the news that Fox has renewed The Human Target for 13 more episodes.

  • Chris

    And Happy Town seems pretty much done for.

    Duct Tape episode was pretty good. The bridge was pretty neat, but not as cool as their duct tape boat.

  • fish eye no miko

    I think the duct tape cannon was one of the coolest things they’ve built. (-:

  • TongoRad

    Duct tape will never stop being a great source of entertainment. Now you guys have all gotten me nostalgic for the Red Green Show- I’m off to check ioffer…

  • Gamera

    Great episode though I don’t want Kari to come anywhere near my car after the way she wrecked the one in the episode…

  • Yes, one gets the feeling there was an old ex-boyfriend or two who was thinking, “Ah, that takes me back…”