Still haven’t been able to get to the site…

…at home.  I even reset my computer to Monday, hoping that would fix it, but it didn’t.  Maybe it’s just time to break down and replace my wheezing old computer.  Although I still don’t get why I can get any other site but not ours.

Anyway, unless it magically resolves itself, I’ll be in until the end of work today, and then off the site until Monday morning.  So just in case, have a great weekend everyone.

  • If I could get into the room with your PC, I’m sure I could solve this problem in minutes.

    And I’m planning a trip to Chicago!

    In Summer, 2012. Oh well. (I’m a supporting member of the Chicago Worldcon bid [])

    If you wanted, I could remote-control it (assuming you know how to set that up) and give it a try.

  • BeckoningChasm

    I think you can get GoToMyPC free for 30 days, right? Someone here might be able to diagnose…though if the problem is accessing the internet, that might not help much.

  • Carl — I really appreciate the offer, but this is a sign, I think, it’s its time to replace my cranky, increasingly balky old computer. I have the money, luckily, I just hadn’t wanted to spend it if I didn’t have to. I think that time has come, however.

    I’ll be out of town next weekend, but I’ll start shopping seriously after that. Luckily about all I do is word processing and Internet, so I don’t really need a monster machine or anything.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Lucky, too, that you didn’t need a new computer when all you could get was Vista.