How can I not really like The Big Bang Theory…

On tonight’s episode, the guys are watching TV.  The set is turned away from the camera, but we do faintly hear the familiar trill from the movie Them! With the object of their attention otherwise unidentified, sure enough, there ensues a conversation about giant ants.

Now, that’s some hardcore nerdosity.

  • Mr. Rational

    I used to be quite partial to “The Big Bang Theory,” and still am to some extent. I started to downgrade my fandom a bit when the characters became, not weird but identifiable people with jobs and bad social skills, but masses of squee-inducing yet unintegrated references who never seemed to go to work.

    It’s still better than 90+% of what’s on, though…

  • I can understand that, but man, they actually get the nerdy details right. This might be the only shows who’s nerdosity equals that of Futurama.

  • Heli

    I still can’t fathom that Big Bang is from the same guy as Two and a Half Men.

    PS Thanks, Ken; it was you who convinced me to try out Big Bang Theory, and the wife and I are really enjoying catching up on the DVDs.

  • BeckoningChasm

    I’ve been watching a lot of Samurai Jack recently, and the nerdosity is pretty high in some of those episodes, too. Especially as regards Star Wars.

  • Mr. Rational

    True enough, Ken. It’s one of the reasons I tune in week after week…there are not a lot of television shows that consider people like me to be their target audience. So even as I roll my eyes when Sheldon trots out his latest fun fact about 18th-century sub-Saharan African linguistics, which even HE has no reason to know about, I keep laughing and chuckling and nodding whenever they talk about The Flash or Superman or Star Trek — or, as you pointed out, the less mainstream stuff like Them! Like I said — still better than 90+% of what’s on.

    And I still want to find anyone who’s up for a rousing game of Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock.