Video Cheese Interuptus: Deadti…SCREEECH!!

Man, I can’t catch a break. The first (comparatively) decent looking film in the Mills Creek Chilling Classics set I’m wading through, and I’m hosed about ten minutes in by a defective disc. Actually, I knew the disc was messed up, as I had to start Memorial Valley Massacre like five times before it played. (If that’s not the very definition of masochism…) In other words, the films on the outside of the disc–Death Rage and Medusa–were fine, but the interior films were messed up. And this one was really messed up, so it’s no go.

Too bad. Grading on a curve, Deadtime Stories looked like it would have a modicum of wit and some actually affection for the genre. In lieu of a brief review, then, here’s the catchy title song:

After that, on to the four films on disc two. Hopefully all of the remaining discs will work. That’s for after B-Fest, though.

  • Mr. Rational

    Melissa Leo? Wasn’t she an Oscar nominee for some small film that I had neither the ability nor desire to see?

  • Jimmy

    From what I can remember of the movie from watching it a few years back you really didn’t miss much.

  • Petoht

    I like how you can see the bottom of the monster glove on some of the page turns.

  • Yes, although I’ll always remember her for playing Det. Kay Howard on Homicide: Life on the Streets.

  • Blackadder

    Deadtime Stories is okay. Better than the first couple of movies in the set, but nothing to write home about.

    At least it’s a real horror movie (sort of).

  • Cash Bailey

    Does that Mill Creek set have MESSIAH OF EVIL in it?

    That’s a damn fine creepy little chiller. Imagine if Mario Bava had directed an adaptation of SHADOW OVER INNSMOUTH and you’re pretty close.