All hail the mighty Chris Magyar!

OK, Chris, who purely on his own time and own dime created the WP site for us a few years ago, has now updated the site’s WP software. (Thus wasting another weekend of his life. It’s like he gave a sandwich to a starving hobo and the guy moved into his house.)

So thanks, Chris. Hopefully this makes us more stable. There might be a few glitches here and there–I know there’s a bit of formatting on some stuff he’ll be hunting down. If anyone notices anything major, please leave a note below.

  • Chris

    Glad to see you updated. I was worried because there were some recent stories about WordPress sites getting hacked and I wasn’t sure if you were vulnerable or not.

  • Chris Magyar

    I’ve noticed that the movies you review on this site are still terrible. Can we do something about them?

  • Yes, we are going to start by removing some of our worst and most unpopular reviews, like the ones for I Know Who Killed Me and Stacey’s Knights. Whether we can ever reclaim the mass audience that fled the site after we posted these pieces is another issue.

  • Thanks, by the way, to Nathan Shumate over at Cold Fusion Video who in fact alerted me to the hacking problem and suggested we update the software.

  • Chris Magyar

    Hey Ken, that reminds me, your readership has been slowly recovering in recent months. I should probably send you a review to drive away thousands of readers so we can make sure there’s no bandwidth overages.

  • That’s a nice thought, but I’m pretty sure I never had “thousands” of readers to start with.

  • Pip

    Christopher! You *have* to write another review! If you write one before Thanksgiving, I’ll have one for Christmas. I’ll even let you select the movie you’d like reviewed. You or Ken, anyway.