B-Fest Line-up (Non-Spoiler Thread!)…

Line-up here for the Jan 30/31st event. Please give your impressions of the overall line-up without going into any real details (stars, etc.) of what’s specifically showing. Saying “monter movies” or something similarly vague is fine.

  • turkish spock

    It’s a pretty great line-up this year. Better than last year’s, which was the best one in a while. I’m sorely tempted to go (it’d be my first B-Fest since 2004), especially considering that a friend’s been showing interest in going.

    This year looks like a nice mix of old and not-as-old titles, with nothing too recent, which is how I like my B-Fests.

  • TS — Thanks! Sounds great.

  • BeckoningChasm

    “Monster movies” or something similarly vague!