Vox Populi

Gamera977 suggested we watch Cocaine Bear for a Watch Party. Personally, I’d rather watch an Elizabeth Banks movie where she wasn’t trying to be funny, like Charlie’s Angels (although we won’t because it’s not free). However, that’s just one vote. Please give a yeah or nay in the comments and we’ll let democracy reign.

  • I’m voting nay. I liked it in the theaters, I don’t regret seeing it, but there are other, more entertaining Bad Movies out there. That said, I’ll watch it again with the group if it is picked.

  • kgb_san_diego

    I am going to watch this pretty soon for the first time, so I am pretty neutral, but it is always fun to watch things like this for the first time with this group, so I will vote yes.

  • Gamera977

    Ken you’re the captain and the website is your ship. I’m just out here bringing up options.

    I’m wondering if the film is ‘so bad it’s good’ or ‘so bad it’s awful’. As you say there’s nothing quite as sad as a failed comedy. Over night and this morning at work I thought more about it and my ardor has cooled quite a bit. So it’s up to you guys, I’m just going to sit this one out.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I remember it as a fun movie but nothing great. Enjoy whatever you see.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I don’t think I could bear it.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Is there a scene where the bear wrecks a woman’s kayak, while she pleads with it to stop?

  • Ken_Begg

    Ha, that would be great! The best part was before then, when she was acting all big after macing the bear (although that’s not really a bad idea when a wild bear is approaching), only to abruptly change her tune when the bear turns its attention to her boat. I realize it’s kind of mean that I find that video so funny, but man, I can’t help it.

    I apologize for even offering a personal opinion on this vote, especially to Gamera. I shouldn’t have even hinted at my view on the film. I’m entirely fine watching it if that’s the consensus. If I really was against it I would just say so. (Just be glad that Charlie’s Angel’s isn’t on Prime…yet.)

    As usual, I’ll just wait for GalaxyJane to cast a vote, and do what she says. That that worked well for me in the past.

  • Ken_Begg

    It would be pretty grizzly.

  • Out of curiosity, which Charlie’s Angels. There are so many these days.

  • Don’t give me veto power, I actually saw the damned thing.

    Honestly it did nothing for me. Neither so bad it’s good, nor so bad it’s bad, just so average it’s meh. Sketchy CGI, so I never invested in the bear as a real creature and no characters to speak of, just a bunch of barely sketched in stereotypes introduced regularly to make sure there are more victims.

    Might be better with a group, but also might turn out to be one of those cases where we all sit around and visit for 90 minutes because nobody can be arsed to care enough about the movie to make fun of it.

    TL/DR: Grizzly 2 – for all it’s myriad failures as a B-Flick – was still more fun, even Ray Liotta hamming it up falls well short of John Rhys-Davies as a fake Indian with a grudge against bears.

    Still, I will watch it again without complaint if that’s the consensus. I mean, I sat through Alabama’s Ghost with y’all, and it won’t be near that bad.

  • Gamera977

    Hey guys, no big deal. I didn’t know how many people had already seen it or that it’s just bad- not ‘so bad it’s good’ but just awful. I’ll watch it myself sometime this weekend, assuming I don’t decide to play Baldur’s Gate III instead.

    No big deal, run whatever you want Ken. It’s your website after all!

  • kgb_san_diego

    Both y’all — get out. ;-p

  • kgb_san_diego

    Got you beat. I am playing BG3 right now…

  • Gamera977

    I just watched it. And it was a dud.

    Only time I laughed was when Eddie tossed the dog in the truck at the end.

    Daveed: ‘Whose dog is that?’
    Eddie: ‘Guess it’s mine.’
    Daveed: ‘Is it on cocaine?’

    It was okay to see once but yeah I have no desire to ever see it again. Only thing that really stood out was good gosh that was the worst CGI for the bear I’ve seen in years.

    And I could have been playing BG3….

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Of course, the strangest part of that video was that when the bear started on the kayak, she kept filming. Almost as if she expected her pleas would work, somehow, and she’d end up with a better internet fame.

  • Eric Hinkle

    One of these days we’ll all learn about someone who took a selfie as a shark devoured them. Their last words will be, “I’ll get so many views for this!”

  • Eric Hinkle

    It’s a bad movie but at least it has some fun moments. And it didn’t browbeat the audience the way some films have lately.

  • Ken_Begg

    The one Elizabeth Banks (Cocaine Bear) directed and starred in.

  • Gamera977

    It was an okay movie, I was entertained and I’m glad I watched it. I just don’t have any real desire to watch it again. Yeah, props to the film not being an angry, preachy film. And being one of the few films not to have us Southerns as evil crazy hicks.

    The problem to me is it was as GJ points out competent, not that good but not a total train-wreck like as Grizzly II was. When I asked Ken about it I hadn’t seen it- I assumed it WAS a total train-wreck like Grizzly II. There’s just not that much riffable content there- at least from my standpoint.

    Okay, to be fair I did laugh at another point in the film- the snow shoes on the wall in the ranger building in Georgia. I assume someone just stuck them up there as set dressing, maybe it was an inside joke. I don’t know. But snow shoes- in Georgia?!?!?!?!?

  • Eric Hinkle

    They have mountains in Georgia, don’t they? Do they get cold enough for some snow in Winter?

    Or it was just a joke like you said.

  • Gamera977

    Hmm, I’m not sure about snow in the mountains. I’ve only driven though on my way to Florida.

    I remember about fifteen years ago or so they were going to bring in some of the machines they use to make man-made snow in ski resorts to a park near Atlanta during December so the kids could experience snow.