Video of the Day (01/11/09)

  • Chad R.

    Which one of these videos is funnier and why? Break into small groups and discuss.

  • fish eye no miko

    Of course, the real hard part is getting the shrimp a gym membership.. Do you know how much those things are?

  • Bruce Probst

    This opens up a whole new world of shrimp-powered machinery. Who needs OIL when you can have SHRIMP!

  • Brad

    Random thoughts….

    You know how they get greyhounds to race by having the rabbit go out in front of them? They got the shrimp to run by putting a big jar of cocktail sauce behind him. (rim shot)

    I’m kinda surprised no one thought to use the Chariots of Fire theme for this. Cliched, yes, but hey.

    You just know that poor shrimp was thinking, “The hell?!

  • JoshG

    “This opens up a whole new world of shrimp-powered machinery. Who needs OIL when you can have SHRIMP!”

    Not if PeTA has anything to say about it.

  • Sandy Petersen

    See how awesome crustaceans are? WAAAY better than we stupid dun-colored mammals.

    And they taste better too.

  • I’d ask if you know that for sure, but given what I think you write, I’m afraid of how you might answer….

    I’m impressed by the brainpower of that shrimp though. I have a hard enough time coordinating two legs, and that thing manages not to trip over *how* many?!?

  • BeckoningChasm

    Wow, that Tingler sure has an intense workout routine.

  • Sandy Petersen

    How do I know that shrimp taste better than mammals?! Haven’t YOU ever eaten a mammal?

    Incidentally the shrimp has 10 legs (they’re the little stick things at the front). The thicker “legs” beating from his abdomen are technically named swimmerets, and are not actually legs. They are limbs though.

    The Tingler was based on an onychophoran, and is doubtless the only monster ever based on that creature.

    In other “obscure creature news”, I was amazed in watching Deep Rising to discover that the monster was supposedly a huge priapulid worm (though at the end it had transformed into a spawn of Cthulhu). Anyway, knowing what a priapulid worm made me feel that all those years of graduate school weren’t totally wasted.