TV, Bofuri on sale on Amazon….

Amazon has a lot of complete series TV shows and anime on sale right now. Bofuri is now only $30 (for 12 episodes, so about four hours of content), 54% off. I just ordered the Blu Ray set of the entire Mission: Impossible show. That was pricer ($67 vs $48 for the DVD set), but that’s for 7 seasons on 46 (!) discs. Barely over a dollar a disc seems like a good deal for me. Other complete series include The Untouchables and Frasier, seasons of the Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee Doctor Who, and more on DVD and/or Blu Ray.

Bofuri, by the way, is a great stocking stuffer if you have nieces and such (or nephews, I can’t imagine anyone disliking it. Sandy Petersen watched two episodes). I gave Arthur Petersen a set for his daughters and they all loved it. Ask Chad R.

Anyway, if you go to Amazon and click on Today’s Deal and then Movies & TV you’ll find links to all the sales.