Watch Party tonight!

9:00 EST. See ya there.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I think that’s the first time I had to bail just because of sheer unpleasantness, as well as some tyro editor’s fixation on stock effects–“ooo! What does this click do? Oh how cool! I’ll do that a lot!”

    So to watch something stupid, I substituted an earlier Steven Seagal film, the Criterion Collection’s HD version of “King Kong Vs Godzilla” with Seagal as Kong in a rejected Muppet gorilla suit. Featuring Watch Party Favorite Les Tremayne.

    It was pretty terrible, but to its credit it lacked unpleasant rape scenes.

  • We got so bored we spent a great deal of time talking about other things. Really bottom barrel stuff there.

  • The conversations were great. I still have no idea what any of the movie was about though. Something something drugs, something something boobs, people die, roll credits.

    It was disgustingly hateful and misogynistic enough to make me pretty uncomfortable in places, when I did pay attention. Says a lot more about Segal than anything else. And let’s face it, my tolerance for that sort of nonsense is usually pretty high.

    Watching our ‘action star’ waddle from place to place was pretty funny though, especially in that armor. And super obviously out of breath any time he had to walk anywhere. Look, I know some of us here run to larger than usual sizes, myself included, but also none of us are trying to make a living cosplaying as someone who would *not* have a heart attack in the first 30 seconds of a fight.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    It was about gypsies, tramps, and thieves.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Reading these comments — egads, what movie did you all see?

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    If It’s Tuesday This Must be Bucharest

  • kgb_san_diego

    Bear jests, but dang if I had to look in the player history to remember what this was called… Born to Raise Hell.

  • Ken_Begg

    Deep cut of the day.