Least inspiring ad headline ever….

Just got an email from Kino’s Cult Movie streaming service. The headline:

“We just added two more Jess Franco films”.

Worst headline until they send one saying “We just added three more Jess Franco films.”

  • His Dracula is watchable. A bit dull but an arguably ‘good’ film.

  • The Awful Dr. Orloff wasn’t so bad, but that’s because it was ripping off another film. And Oasis of the Zombies was… a film… I’d watch again. So if it’s those two titles, I can see some… stirring of… positive?… emotions?

  • RWA

    Oh, I can think of an even less inspiring headline: “we have another Andy Milligan boxset in the works!”

  • Beckoning Chasm

    “We’re releasing ‘Things’ in 4K.”