I think we all know that when you watch a documentary, or just a video on a subject, it almost doesn’t matter if that subject is of interest to you. The same with the printed word. I loved Liz Kingsley’s reviews of the Friday the 13th movies, despite never having seen one nor having any interest in doing so. However, when someone is enthusiastic about a subject, and has the technical chops to work well in the medium they’ve chosen, it’s almost always worth your time.
I’m not, to say the least, a big game guy. However, Sandy (obviously) is, and he’s a super-smart and more than able ranconteur who brings the subject to life in his videos. On his discrete Sandy of Cthulhu channel (as opposed to the Petersengames channel), he often talks about horror movies and other such subjects. All his videos are worth a watch, although obviously I like the movie ones more.
So today I got home and there’s a new video about Bad Movies. By the way, I starting posting this before I watched it and learned I was name checked in it. He even trots out the Cinema Bell Curve, explaining it better than I ever did. Give his video a look, it’s pretty great.
Stop by Sandy’s YouTube channels and give some more of it content a look, and I’m sure he’d love you to leave him some messages as well.