Sandy Petersen on Bad Movies….

I think we all know that when you watch a documentary, or just a video on a subject, it almost doesn’t matter if that subject is of interest to you. The same with the printed word. I loved Liz Kingsley’s reviews of the Friday the 13th movies, despite never having seen one nor having any interest in doing so. However, when someone is enthusiastic about a subject, and has the technical chops to work well in the medium they’ve chosen, it’s almost always worth your time.

I’m not, to say the least, a big game guy. However, Sandy (obviously) is, and he’s a super-smart and more than able ranconteur who brings the subject to life in his videos. On his discrete Sandy of Cthulhu channel (as opposed to the Petersengames channel), he often talks about horror movies and other such subjects. All his videos are worth a watch, although obviously I like the movie ones more.

So today I got home and there’s a new video about Bad Movies. By the way, I starting posting this before I watched it and learned I was name checked in it. He even trots out the Cinema Bell Curve, explaining it better than I ever did. Give his video a look, it’s pretty great.

Stop by Sandy’s YouTube channels and give some more of it content a look, and I’m sure he’d love you to leave him some messages as well.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Cool, I’ll have to watch that when I’m back from work. Do you know the running time?

  • One of my medics decided I was “the coolest person ever!” this week because I know Sandy Petersen. Not generally the sort of response my weird hobbies usually get.

  • Moby Dick is but one of the many reasons why I will never, ever, ever complain about remakes.

  • Ken_Begg

    It’s like 10 minutes, no biggie.

  • Ken_Begg

    Wouldn’t Sandy Petersen be the coolest person in the world then, if, like the moon to the sun, you are merely reflecting his glory? I have also gotten a reaction or two like that because of that over the years, though. Anyway, invite him to T-Fest. You know we let anyone into that joint.

  • Gamera977

    Yah!!! Now you’re YouTube famous Ken!!!

    I love Sandy’s videos!

    BTW: I think Sandy’s Cthulhu fez needs it’s own MotD!

  • Gamera977

    I really need to get to T-Fest one day if for no other reason than to meet Sandy!

  • T-fest is when? My diabolical overlords need advanced warning before I’m allowed to leave the meat cutting gig.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’ve seen Sandy’s videos about obscure horror movies, and they are worth watching.

    OT but talking about horrors, has anyone heard about Disney’s new Star Wars themed hotel stay that costs $6000 for a weekend stay? As someone said to me, ‘For that much they should pick you up at home in a working full-size copy of the Millenium Falcon.’

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’d love to physically meet at least half the regular commenters on this blog.

  • The Rev.

    They’re planning one this fall but no date has been set yet.

  • Marsden

    I’m subscribed.

  • Ken_Begg

    It’s not absolutely locked in yet, but it’s tending towards the first weekend in November. I’ll put up an official notice when Sandy gives the thumb’s up.

  • Ken_Begg

    The pandemic broke a lot of people of a lot of habits / hobbies. Disney is definitely in a downward spiral; lose customers / raise prices to keep earnings up, often while reducing amenities / lose more customers / rinse and repeat. Meanwhile, they’ve chased a lot of customers away from Star Wars as a film franchise, and are currently heavily, almost fanatically, doing the same with the MCU. And there’s no way that streaming channel is going to make up for the (aided by the film studios) collapse of the theater industry. They don’t want to admit it, yet, but we may well have already seen and gone past peak Disney.

  • At least Gamera and I are in the same state. Not the same part of the state mind you.

  • KeithB

    I read a short story where there was a “Peter Sanderson” gleefully bringing about the Lovecraftian end of the world via his video games.

  • Gamera977

    Already booked my vacation/holiday at the beach this year. Will have to keep that in mind for next year…

  • Gamera977

    Now that sounds awesome!!!

    Somehow a version of ‘In The Mouth of Madness’ with Sam Neill playing a Sandy analog instead of Stephen King sounds a lot more entertaining to me!

  • Gamera977

    For a little pre-Halloween reading I just picked up the collected ghost stories of M.R. James on Sandy’s recommendation. Looking forward to reading them!

  • Eric Hinkle

    If this is your introduction to the works of MR James, I envy you. He’s a great writer and wow but he knows how to write a ghost story.

    I don’t regret coming to his works later in life but I wish my high school English classes hadn’t put me off of ‘classic’ literature for so many years.

  • Gamera977

    Cool! Sandy has really good taste (well maybe not with the Hershel Gordon Lewis movies) so I generally trust him. Thanks for backing him up!!!

    Orson Scott Card wrote an article years ago about how public schools seem to chose stories intended to put youngsters off of reading for the rest of their lives… (sigh)

  • Ken_Begg

    Yes, MR James is the greatest ghost story writer. Enjoy! The BBC used to do regular Christmas adaptations (this was before they were embarrassed to have the word Christmas attached to things) of James’ works, like Whistle and I’ll Come to You from 1968. These are designed to slowly build suspense, so if you watch one do it when you won’t be distracted by other matters. Whistle, at least, is on YouTube. I’m not sure about the others.

  • Gamera977

    Cool, will check out the BBC adaptions once I’ve read the original stories!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    They’re great stories. Some of them tend to be very similar (guy finds old thing, which turns out to have a malevolent aspect) but the slow build and detail are really great. After reading a few, you’ll be sure something is in the room with you. Enjoy!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I have to say, I’ve been finding his videos very entertaining and fairly informative as well. Wish I’d known about the channel sooner!

  • Ken_Begg

    I’ve been a subscriber to his channel for a while (unsurprisingly), but it’s still weird when I look at the recommended videos section in YouTube and his face is there. I’m like, “Hey, I know that guy in real life!”

  • The Rev.

    It is weird to see YouTube video recommendations for real-life friends and acquaintances, isn’t it? I guess I’ve gotten used to it with Sandy. (Although I do like to tell people about “my friend with his own Wikipedia page.”) I’m still getting used to it with Seth Skorkowsky, though.