Alert!! Yor on TCM tonight…

Turner Classics continues it’s late Friday night cult movie slots by featuring (time are Central) the currently being remade Death Race 2000 at 1:00 am, followed by the epically inane Yor (rhymes with ‘bore’ and ‘snore’ and ‘please, no more’) Hunter from the Future at 2:30.

Yor is the bigger of the two, since it’s not out on DVD, and there’s no sign it will be any time soon. So grab it while you can.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Awesome! I haven’t seen Yor in years. I remember it being a hoot for the first part, then after the pterodactyl hang-glider attack it kind of started dragging, and although it picked up some speed at the end it didn’t quite match the opening scenes.
    Still, it was pretty fun, and I’d love to have it handy to inflict on people.

    (Man, I must’ve rewound that hang-glider scene twenty times, sure that I couldn’t possibly be seeing what my eyes were telling me I was seeing. To be so young and naive, and not know that there were so many, even more ridiculous things out there in the world of trash cinema…)

  • BeckoningChasm

    No I’m not!


  • sardu

    Already had the DVR set for Yor. Did anyone catch The Apple?? Dang, there’s a movie that truly lived, er, down to my expectations. I bet it’s fun at a party but watching alone almost broke me.

  • Salty

    Just watched Yor. Loved that young Yor sports the same dutchboy doo as old Yor. Oh yeah, and for The Apple I just got one word, Crap-tastic. Is BIM hq located at a convention center or is that an airport?

  • Adam

    Just wanted to mention (and this was the best place I could think of) that TCM this Friday night (Saturday morning) is showing Night of the Lepus and the Jabootu classic, The Giant Claw.