Nuts for Meg…

New Line has reportedly picked up from Disney the rights to Steve Alten’s horrible series of novels about the reemergence of Megalodon sharks, which were basically prehistoric, 80-foot great whites. Alten’s first book, Meg, was wooden but passable, while the second, Trench, was gut-bustingly horrible. I haven’t read the most recent, Meg: Primal Waters.

Still, Jaws was a better movie than novel (although admittedly, that was one of that only times in history that’s been the case), so who knows. And hey, giant shark!

Meg is due to begin filming this fall, with Jan “Speed 2” DeBont on the bridge.

  • The Godfather was a terrible, terrible book. Much worse than Jaws, even

  • What’s exciting about this is that my homeboys over at are producing, so this marks the first real instance of internet film fanboys moving into “the biz”. Now, how they can make yet another damn movie about a giant shark interesting, that’s the question…

  • Well, considering that nobody’s made a giant shark movie for over a million bucks or so, they certainly start with an advantage. (Not that that in itself will seal the deal, but any means. See: Deep Blue Sea.)

    Actually, though, Megalodon wasn’t half bad.