Monster of the Day #1430

I thought of fostering comical outrage amongst you guys by posting one of the Deanzilla Taco Bell (or KFC or Kodak) ads, but I couldn’t bring myself to sink that low. Still, the king of the monsters has clearly had a pretty good run as a spokesmonster.

I think this Godzilla was in this commercial more than he was in his movie.

  • Gamera977

    Gotta love the fine print: ‘Professional driver, closed course’ and ‘Didn’t actually happen’.

  • Flangepart

    The old joke about ‘monsters eating cities’ make sense only if they give the wee beastie a reason to. Eating steel? Use it for armor replacement. Concrete? Bone and skin, maybe?
    Hey, It’s Kaiju Eiga…technobabble rules.

  • bgbear_rnh

    It is Mecha-Godzilla in disguise!

  • The Rev.

    Wait, you didn’t post the ’98 G ads because you didn’t want to torment us? What about your reputation as a dick, Begg? What the hell? You’re supposed to be a dick, and you didn’t act dickishly! OH MY GOD you are SUCH A DI–



    Well played, man. Well played.

  • Ken_Begg

    I decided to hold my fire and just show Deanzilla at T-Fest this year.

  • The Rev.

    Well, I’ll go play Cthulhu Wars with anyone else smart enough to leave during that part of the fest. One unadulterated viewing in a lifetime was more than enough. I will only ever watch the Rifftrax version, because they brutalized that POS.

  • I watched this movie twice while in theaters. Enjoyed the hell out of it

    Can’t sit through it now.

    (Of course, it helped that at the time I was living a Godzilla starved life at the time. These days I’ve not only got plenty of Godzilla toys but also the good movies at easy reach. Still. Twice in theaters. Bought the DVD.)

  • Marsden

    That’s a great post right there.
    There’s no like button.

    I do remember a chihuahua trying to capture Godzilla with a chalupa under a box with a stick with a string on it.
    Heere leezard leezard leezard.

  • sandra

    You’re back ! Too bad I didn’t think to check until October.