Congrats to Sandy Petersen on third successful Kickstarter….

I’ve often thought of doing a Kickstarter myself to raise the money I’d need to collect some of my material and self-publish it at Amazon. Since that would require zero dollars, I think I’d have a good shot at making my goal.

Sandy’s been slightly more ambitious with his board game Kickstarters. Instant classic Cthulhu Wars, of course, racked up over $1,400,000 (the vast majority of which clearly went directly into the game), and resulted in a board game featuring about a billion plastic figures ranging from decently sized to downright gigantic. I dare say the set inspires gasps from everyone who sees it, and the expansions aren’t even out yet.

As the full version of that game is still in the production phase, Sandy went slightly less ambitious with his follow-up, an English-language elaboration of a Polish card game (not a card game like poker, a whole game) wherein you play a demi-god and war against other demi-gods from various pantheons. Nearly a 1,000 backers pledged $123,000 for that one, hitting a lot of the stretch goals. Sadly, I think it fell just short of getting the Lovecraft pantheon added to the game.

Sandy’s current Kickstarter is for another board game, an adaptation (I guess, I know very little about games) of a video game. Actually, this consists of two versions of the game, although if you get both you can play them at the same time. Sandy’s games are definitely luxury items, but man, they are swank. Here’s what the full double game set will look like (with more coming if more stretch goals are hit):

The game(s) just got it’s 1,000th backer, which I know because I am that backer. And yes, I did spend an hour refreshing the page over and over waiting for it to go from 998 backers to 999 backers. Why do you ask? The game has hit the $164,000 mark, and hopefully will continue to rack up even more stretch goals, especially since I will directly benefit from those.

Anyway, if anyone wants to join us for T(ween)-Fest 2015 at Sandy’s house this weekend, you can congratulate him in person.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Congratulations to Mister Peterson! I do wish I could meet him in person, if only to listen to you and him discuss bad movies, though I’m afraid my contributions would be limited to, “Wow, you am smart” and the like.

  • The Rev.

    They don’t really do that at the fests; they mostly giggle like schoolgirls as they prepare to inflict whatever abomination they’ve got lined up on the rest of us. I will say that Sandy usually gives us a quick history lesson/rundown of whatever he’s about to show us, which he often expands on at some point during the viewing, so there is that. Aaaaaaaaand I just realized he does exactly what you thought he would. Ken is clearly not holding up his end of things. I’m guessing his excuse would be “I’m on vacation.” Honestly, the best way to experience erudite Ken is to hang out with him during B-Fest weekend; at the Texas get-togethers he’s too busy engaging in pun wars with Kirk to do so.
    Oh yes, and way to go, Sandy!

  • Flangepart

    Gotta see this in the next ed. of Knights of the Dinner Table. Oh, yeah…

  • kgb_san_diego

    Yes, congrats Sandy! And yes, Eric. I have been going to T-fests for some 5-6 years now, and I still mostly restrict myself to laughing appreciatively, or saying “Gosh, you’re smart!”… ;-)

  • Gamera977

    Big congrats to Sandy! If only I had someone to play stuff like this with. I love the KickStarter concept, just got my copy of ‘Pillars of Eternity’ and it’s the best computer game I’ve see in years.

  • Rock Baker

    Congrats indeed! The number of figures there is, to use a modern phrase, quite insane!

  • Ken_Begg

    Actually, I don’t think I show a lot of Excrucionators. That’s more Sandy’s bag (as he’ll show us again this weekend). I will admit my taste for awful dramas isn’t universally shared.

  • The Rev.

    Chastity, The Lonely Lady, Double Agent 73 (I assume), The Swarm…I’m probably missing some here. I’ve no doubt Sandy’s ahead on points (Daniel the Wizard alone would probably put him in front), but let’s not play innocent, Mr. Begg.
    Thanks for the warning, by the way. Any idea if he’s going to try and top himself? I shudder to think of something worse than DtW, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he has something. Maybe I need to invest in hard liquor for a change…

  • Jamie B.

    That is a extra-high level of nerdom there Ken! LOL

    I couldn’t tell you what number I am on the KS. But I am looking forward to heading to Sandy’s this weekend and give the game a whirl.

    Oh, and of course the bad movies!

  • Black Chad

    I know what he has planned and we’re all doomed.

  • Ken_Begg

    I wouldn’t let Patty hear you dissing DA73, unless you want your butt kicked.