Thanks, Stickboy!

Thanks to Stickboy for sending me some of his hard earned money.  I spent it partly refilling the fuel tank in the jet pack I use to fly to work.  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

 [I’m just kidding, of course.  I spent it on cocaine.]

Editorial Note:  The above picture looks best when using the Steven Seagal blue-themed avatar.

  • Ericb

    If Steve grew a mustache and shaved his head it would be a pretty good likeness too.

  • Ha!*

    [*Of course, the difference is that Mr. Pennybags didn’t have his career ruined by the FBI. Also, I’m not sure Seagal is still flexible enough to sit in a chair in that fashion.]

  • fish eye no miko

    “Editorial Note: The above picture looks best when using the Steven Seagal blue-themed avatar.”

    Whoah! I didn’t know you could change the colors.. Coool…
    [picks “vincent” because he is The Man]

  • Yeah, it was one of the coolest design elements Chris put in there.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Yeah, it was a treat when I found out you could do that. I generally have Vinny up, but luckily for me Seagal was up this time, so I got the best effect of the picture.