I thought the first “Most Interesting Man in the World” commercial…

…was sort of amusing. However, they get more grating with each new chapter. (The fact they do commercials for both TV and radio doesn’t help any.) Basically, the exaggerated claims about the guy have gone from outlandish to just silly. Plus he was more interesting when he didn’t talk directly to the camera. Now he seems kind of full of himself.  I don’t think the most interesting man in the world would know how interesting he is.

You know, instead of a show built around the Gieco caveman (a real program in the offing), maybe they should do a show about a world that all these characters live in. That might actually be funny.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    I just yesterday saw on of these one, but I was talking to the lady of the house and missed most of it.
    At least now I know what you mean by those commercials.