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Author Topic: Captain America 2
Initiate of Jabootu
Posts: 12
Post Captain America 2
on: July 20, 2012, 09:36

I saw some info for Captain America 2, subtitled The Winter Soldier. Falcon is going to be in it! I hope it's good, the first one was great and Avengers really kept it going. I'm really looking forward to it.

Thrall of Jabootu
Posts: 83
Post Re: Captain America 2
on: July 20, 2012, 23:38

I saw that too, and I'm looking forward to it. My wife loved the first one, so she's excited too, even if Winter Soldier means nothing to her.

Which really says something about this block of Marvel movies that my wife, my brother, and I all love them, all while representing three levels on familiarity. My wife has none, so she's enjoying the movies with no background and fully on their own merit. My brother knows quite a bit about the comics, so he knows what's changed, what's the same and all that stuff, so while not a titanic nerd about it, he's as close as I know. And I'm right in the middle of the two.

It's nice that they can balance pleasing the nerds while not losing the newbies.

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