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Author Topic: Super Snooper
Thrall of Jabootu
Posts: 81
Post Super Snooper
on: September 18, 2014, 20:51

Now here's a movie that I remember from way back when.

I think we have movies that we kinda sorta remember and wish we could see again. One I made a crusade for was "The Race for the Yankee Zephyr." It wasn't as good as I remember. But the journey was satisfying all the same.

As for this one, I wondered what this was this was. I remembered pieces of it. Like the football stadium scene. And the big bubble scene. And I even remember the music which not something that I usually will take away from a film.

But the following videos lay it all out. It also reveals a piece of Italian film history that I never knew about. I want to see "They Call Me Trinity." I put up a clip below. I hope this video puts to rest the plight of others who may have remembered seeing this film and now want to know what it is.

By the way, you can see the full film here: (Click Me!)

Here's the song:

And here is "They Call Me Trinity"

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