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Author Topic: Raised by Whales
Minion of Jabootu
Posts: 103
Post Raised by Whales
on: August 29, 2012, 06:55

Oh please Jabootu, get this film made.

Minion of Jabootu
Posts: 199
Post Re: Raised by Whales
on: August 29, 2012, 12:30

I already made an Aquaman joke yesterday so I'm cut off...

Does remind of the 'Fall Guy' episode where Howie was managing a pro wrestler whose schick was he was supposedly reared by a family of bigfeet (bigfoots)?

Initiate of Jabootu
Posts: 1
Post Re: Raised by Whales
on: October 13, 2012, 15:19

Nothing new under the sun... I hold in my hand the 1967 paperback "Dolphin Boy" by Roy Meyers. The story does indeed follow John Averill (Sir John) who fell into the ocean as a baby and was raised by dolphins to be come Triton, a hero to two species... And there were a couple of sequels.
The Tarzan connection is obvious.
In the '60s there was a serious interest in dolphin communication which led to things like "Flipper", "A Sentient Animal"(the French novel on which "The Day of the Dolphin" was based, and a novel by Margaret St.Clair (the title escapes me).
So. A baby raised by Orcas could by no imaginable means be a physical equal for his "pod mates"... So the Tarzan connection is just that little bit more tenuous... BUT the writers certainly have precedent.

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