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Author Topic: My first Tom Laughlin movie
The Rev.
Initiate of Jabootu
Posts: 44
Post My first Tom Laughlin movie
on: December 29, 2013, 00:44

All right, I said I needed to watch a Tom Laughlin movie, and I had The Master Gunfighter on my DVR, so I thought I'd record my thoughts as I watched it for what I hope will be your amusement.

Wow, that is some ridiculous, pretentious narration to open. Burgess, how could you?

Nice music. Nice opening shots.

Captain Exposition! Literally!

Man, that coastline is just gorgeous. this "wandering the empty village" scene ever going to end??

I think crows are fantastic, fascinating animals. When even I think you're showing too many shots of crows, you're doing something wrong.

I'm pretty sure that was someone pretending to be a crow there.

And those are sea gull noises.

Rumors of people being carried off by crow demons? Why aren't we watching that movie instead?

Man, his show brought the street party to an end before it even started.


I don't think I've ever seen a movie present a katana as worse than they actually were. That fish wasn't even dented by it! Nice shooting, though.

Man, everyone's katana sucks. How does she still have a thumb?

Well, that was just mean. Leave that poor guitar-playing senorita alone, ass!

No, not his hat! You monster! That was a great hat!

I don't think getting shot in the chest with several pistols would result in that, but it looked so neat that I'll let it slide. (Get it? If you've seen the movie, you do.)

The black guy is a hustler/informant? Who saw that coming?

Damn! Take that, honkey! (You just knew someone was going through that railing.)

It doesn't make the protagonist look like a great swordsman when his opponents are so clumsy that I'm confident I could take them out.


Oh good, he had a spare hat.

Wow, that is a lot of cormorants.

I'd be happy to let her handle my dice any day. You know, if I was playing craps. Why, what did you think I meant? Perverts.

Nice tumble!

Dammit, quit reminding me of those crow demons I could be watching!

Now that's the kind of nonsense I expect from someone wielding a movie katana. About time.

Shooting one guy in self-defense in no way makes his hands as bloody as yours. Not that I expect that fact to make any difference, since the hero's all noble and what-not.

No one pronounces "Goleta" the same way. Hell, even Laughlin doesn't pronounce it the same way between scenes.

All these gaijin with katanas...the more of them there are, the sillier the whole thing gets.

Laughlin really did inspire Steven Seagal, didn't he? I keep expecting a "This guy's good!" speech.

The Rev.
Initiate of Jabootu
Posts: 44
Post Re: My first Tom Laughlin movie
on: December 29, 2013, 00:51


I have to say, Laughlin was a pretty damn good horseman; he looked to be doing all his own riding stunts.

Are they going to give a reason for the black guy being a double agent, or is it just because he's a noble minority in a Laughlin film?

Oh. He's a federal spy. That answers that.

I'm not sure what to think about that cotton-picking joke.

Hey, where's Frankie? (Everyone who frequents the site should be able to finish that gag.)

If they turn him into a pinata, this will be the best movie ever.


Instead of simply shooting Finley in the face, Paulo tells his men to carry Finley to the sea to drown him and thereby give Finley's allies a chance to free him. Paulo also has a grandiose plan to make lots of money, a plan involving the deaths of many innocent people. Holy crap, Paulo is a James Bond villain!

Wait, was "faggot" a common epithet in the 1800s? I have my doubts.

....What possible reason could there have been for that little scene to be in slow motion?

Night! Day! Night!

Did Laughlin do his own tumbling stunts as well? Whoever it was, I'm quite impressed with that tumbling dive from the second story of the mission.

Dummy off a cliff! Yay!!

Finley quickly winning his sword duels is intended to make him look bad-ass. Interestingly, it unintentionally makes them more accurate as well. Katanas were not meant for banging against each other for minutes on end. To save wear and tear, you wanted to strike as few times as possible, ideally attacking at an opportune moment and slaying in a single strike. The More You Know (TM).

The Indians' masks and talk of crows and crow demons seems more like Pacific Northwest Indian stuff to me. I suppose California was close enough...

I'm disappointed either Finley or Paulo didn't say, "Real men don't need guns!" or "Why don't you face me like a real man?" as they tossed their guns aside.

The way the climactic duel plays out, I may have been mistaken about what Laughlin knew of katanas. No clashing blades even here, where you'd expect it.

Aaaaaaaaand the final moments of the climactic duel are filmed so confusingly that you can barely figure out what happened until we see Finley rise and Paulo...well, not rise.

So, what, the Indians couldn't get rid of the missions themselves; they had to wait for a white guy to do it for them? Typical.

I really want to visit wherever they filmed this. It's breathtaking.

Off into the sunset they ride. Nice touch.

I really like the music for this.

Well, maybe it's years of crap movies under my belt, or maybe I got off easy here, but this wasn't as bad as I'd feared. I'm not saying it was good, but it wasn't painfully bad. The plot, acting and dialogue were weak tea, but the action scenes weren't too bad, and after a while the pacing settled into a nice rhythm. I'll probably suffer when I get around to the Billy Jack sequels, though.

I'm still unhappy that we didn't get crow demons.

Minion of Jabootu
Posts: 103
Post Re: My first Tom Laughlin movie
on: December 31, 2013, 11:44

"I really want to visit wherever they filmed this. It's breathtaking."

It supposedly takes place around Monterey somewhere but apparently Laughlin is as loose with geography as he is with history as I can't find anywhere on the California coast that remotely resembles the bay he describes in the movie.

Minion of Jabootu
Posts: 199
Post Re: My first Tom Laughlin movie
on: January 3, 2014, 11:20

You sir are a braver man than me, think I'd remove my own eyes with a melon baller before I'd watch any of these films.

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