Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #1934

Admittedly, the producers of this remake gave themselves a harder task than, say, the Friday the 13th remake, because the actual Craven Nightmares are really good, even great. Even so, you’d think… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #1933

Wow, the original wasn’t made until 1993? Anyway, let’s look at the brilliant redoes of the classic horror movies of the 70s on!

Monster of the Day #1930

Ah, killer plants. Now that I think about it, when did movies stop featuring random killer plants. Cinema sucks now. (Except for The Avenger and John Wick and Godzilla.)

Monster of the Day #1929

I woke up and realized I had nothing planned, so…pulp covers! Can’t go wrong with pulp covers. Man, the number of times I saw that look on women’s faces.

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