Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3498

We continued our run of fun movies with William Girdler’s Day of the Animals, one of the better “animal attack” flicks of the ’70s. My main takeaway: When animals are driven insane… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3497

Happy Friday, everyone! Have a great weekend! Watch something stupid. In fact, watch something stupid with us tonight at our Watch Party. I think we’ve got another crowd pleaser tonight but time… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3493

Happy Monday, Everyone! (grumble grumble) Time is racing more than this horse. Good grief, halfway through September! 20th (!!!) T-Fest at Sandy’s house on Oct 11th! Watch Party this Friday! Halloween approaches!… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3492

“Hey, Mister, we live here!” “Franky, we don’t really live here….” “Shut it, Sid, you know what I mean.” Happy Friday, everyone. Have a great weekend. Watch something stupid.

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