Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3418

Asylum announces their new Miss Marple film. I may post tomorrow, depending on whether I am organized enough before leaving for the airport. Otherwise I probably won’t post again until Monday or… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3415

“Sabu and I were startled to see a kimono dragon walking upright on its hind legs. That said, its posture was terrible.” Happy Friday, everyone. Watch something stupid this weekend. As indicated… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3414

{Patient English accent, off to the side] “There’s no turkey here. I promise you, there’s no turkey here.” Have a very wonderful holiday, everyone!

Monster of the Day #3413

Sweet! I hope most of you guys have Friday off too. (In case you’re wondering, I will NOT be going out to shop on Black Friday.) In any case, Happy Thanksgiving!

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